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Deborah Szapiro

University Technology Sydney

Selma Šabanović (co-founder)

Indiana University, Bloomington

Keisuke Nakamura

Randy Gomez (co-founder)

Honda Research Institute, Japan

Luis Merino

University Pablo Olavide

Kerstin Fischer

University of Southern Denmark

Guillermo Pérez

4i Intelligent Insights

Eric Nichols

Honda Research Institute, Japan

Angelo Cangelosi

University of Manchester

Guy Hoffmann

Cornell University

Vicky Charisi

JRC, European Commission

Serge Thill

Donders Centre for Cognition, Radboud University Nijmegen

Eleanor Sandry

Curtin University

Levko Ivanchuk

Paulo Alvito

IDMIND Portugal

Guangliang Li

Ocean University China

Panos Trahanias

FORTH-Institute of Computer Science

Matthias Rehm

Aalborg University

Stavros Petridis

Imperial College London 

Antonio Bandera

University of Málaga

Alessandra Sciutti

Italian Institute of Technology

Georgios Andrikopoulos


Tiija Rinta

Kyambogo University, Uganda

Fernando Caballero

USE (University of Seville)

Johanna Seibt

University of Aarhus

Wendy Ju

Cornell Tech

Oliver Niebuhr

University of Southern Denmark

Rachid Alami


Britta Wrede

University of Bielefeld

Ana Paiva

Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon)

Emilia Barakova

Eindhoven University of Technology

Pedro Lima

Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon)

Tomoko Imai, PhD

Jiyugaoka Gakuen High School, Tokyo, Japan

Gloria Álvarez

Asociación española para los efectos del tratamiento del cáncer

Gabriel Amores

Universidad de Sevilla

Hae Won Park

Media Lab., MIT